A plastic surgery also known as mentoplasty, chin surgery seeks to correct a weak chin, bringing the lower part of the face more into balance.
Why choose chin implants?
Having a weak profile can be just as problematic as having an overly prominent one and many people find a weak chin or lack of facial contour impacts their overall appearance. Chin surgery or augmentation helps to bring proportion and definition to the face.
Brings balance and proportion to the face
Corrects a weak chin
Counteracts the effects of age-related bone absorption
Gives greater facial definition and contouring
Corrects deformities form facial trauma
There are other surgical and non-surgical procedures that can also be performed on the chin and jaw area, including dermal fillers. Dr Cotrufo can discuss the treatment(s) which may be best suited to your individual requirements.
Establishing good communication with your surgeon will help you to feel as relaxed and comfortable as possible throughout the surgery process. This will begin to be put in place during your personal consultation when you will spend time with Dr Cotrufo discussing your individual circumstances.
Discuss the reasons behind you seeking chin augmentation
Learn more about chin surgery or implants and the procedure involved
Discuss the care you will receive before, during and after surgery
Undergo a full health evaluation
Have an assessment of the chin/jaw area
Be able to ask questions and talk through what other options may be available
Learn about timescales and costs
As your surgery approaches, you may be asked to make some small lifestyle changes and asked to avoid particular activities and medications.
This may include:
Taking medical tests including blood tests
Stopping smoking
Adjusting or taking certain medications
Avoiding aspirin, herbal supplements and anti-inflammatory drugs
Refraining from drinking alcohol
Avoiding sun overexposure, particular to the face
Committing to not making stringent changes to your diet
If a general anaesthetic is to be used during surgery, you will need to follow fasting instructions given by the surgeon.
Chin surgery generally takes around an hour, though a chin augmentation may take longer if a lot of work is required or more than one procedure is being carried out
Firstly, an incision is made inside the mouth. Jaw implants are then positioned in a natural position.
Finally, the incision is closed using absorbable sutures
Once you have been released from the clinic you may want a friend or relative to drive you home.
After that:
You should take it easy the first week after surgery and book time off work
You should walk around as soon as you feel able
On the second day after surgery you should be able to shower with mild warm water
Your head will need to be elevated and kept as still as possible for the first few days after the procedure
Bruising to the neck and chin area should start to subside in around 7-14 days
The sutures will be absorbed naturally by your mouth
All strenuous activity including housework and lifting should be avoided for around one month
You will need to keep your mouth clean with a non-alcoholic mouth wash and should avoid eating hot and spicy foods and items that contain high levels of bacteria
Steam baths, saunas and sunbathing should be avoided for several months
You will attend regular aftercare appointments with Dr Cortufo, which are included in the cost of your surgery
Dr Stefano Cotrufo is a plastic surgery and reconstructive microsurgery expert who specialises in surgery procedures for the face and neck area, including chin surgery. If you would like any further information about the procedure, your individual suitability for surgery or the service and aftercare you can expect to receive with Dr Cotrufo, please call 0207 873 2330 to organise a personal consultation.
Jaw augmentation, or mandibular augmentation, seeks to correct a small or aesthetically imbalanced mandible, bringing the lower part of the face more into balance.
The lower third of the face is dominated by the jawline. The jawline extends from one jaw angle around a chin to the other. It covers the largest surface area of any facial bone. The implants help enhance the front and back prominences of the jaw. The procedure is performed through incisions completely inside of the mouth, so there is no visible scarring.
Why choose jaw implants?
Jaw augmentation improves the appearance of jaws that may look out of balance with other facial features.
Brings balance and proportion to the face
More defined jaw line
Counteracts the effects of age-related bone absorption
Gives greater facial definition and contouring
Corrects deformities form facial trauma
There are other surgical and non-surgical procedures that can also be performed on the chin and jaw area, including dermal fillers. Surgical alternatives to implants can also include fat transfer, where some fat is harvested from another part of the body and transferred to the area needing augmentation. A combination of chin and jaw angle implants can create a more complete jawline makeover. Dr Cotrufo can discuss the treatment(s) which may be best suited to your individual requirements.
Establishing good communication with your surgeon will help you to feel as relaxed and comfortable as possible throughout the surgery process. This will begin to be put in place during your personal consultation when you will spend time with Dr Cotrufo discussing your individual circumstances.
Discuss the reasons behind you seeking jaw augmentation
Learn more about chin surgery or implants and the procedure involved
Discuss the care you will receive before, during and after surgery
Undergo a full health evaluation
Have an assessment of the chin/jaw area
Be able to ask questions and talk through what other options may be available
Learn about timescales and costs
As your surgery approaches, you may be asked to make some small lifestyle changes and asked to avoid particular activities and medications.
This may include:
Taking medical tests including blood tests
Stopping smoking
Adjusting or taking certain medications
Avoiding aspirin, herbal supplements and anti-inflammatory drugs
Refraining from drinking alcohol
Avoiding sun overexposure, particular to the face
Committing to not making stringent changes to your diet
If a general anaesthetic is to be used during surgery, you will need to follow fasting instructions given by the surgeon.
The incision is made inside the mouth and jaw implants are positioned in a natural position
The incision is closed using absorbable sutures
Once you have been released from the clinic you may want a friend or relative to drive you home.
After that:
You should take it easy the first week after surgery and book time off work
You should walk around as soon as you feel able
On the second day after surgery you should be able to shower with mild warm water
Your head will need to be elevated and kept as still as possible for the first few days after the procedure
Bruising to the neck and chin area should start to subside in around 7-14 days
The sutures will be absorbed naturally by your mouth
All strenuous activity including housework and lifting should be avoided for around one month
You will need to keep your mouth clean with a non-alcoholic mouth wash and should avoid eating hot and spicy foods and items that contain high levels of bacteria
Steam baths, saunas and sunbathing should be avoided for several months
You will attend regular aftercare appointments with Dr Cortufo, which are included in the cost of your surgery
Dr Stefano Cotrufo is a plastic surgery and reconstructive microsurgery expert who specialises in surgery procedures for the face and neck area, including jaw surgery. If you would like any further information about the procedure, your individual suitability for surgery or the service and aftercare you can expect to receive with Dr Cotrufo, please call 0207 873 2330 to organise a personal consultation.
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© 2023 Dr Stefano Cotrufo | All rights reserved