
Liposuction London

Liposuction is a cosmetic procedure used on the body and face to remove excess fat that does not respond well to diet and exercise; liposuction helps to contour the body and can boost self-confidence. Dr Cotrufo performs all different types of Liposuction including VASER, Laser, Traditional and Power-assisted procedures. Dr Cotrufo has only 5 stars reviews on both Google and RealSelf, thanks to the amazing results he achieves with his body sculpting. Dr Cotrufo has more than 15 years experience in mastering the liposuction technique and will certainly provide you with the best possible advice for your body contouring surgery.

Why choose liposuction?

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Even small areas of stubborn fat that do not respond to traditional weight loss or exercise can change the profile of your body and face. Suction-assisted lipectomy allows you to target these specific areas, enhancing the abdomen, hips, buttocks, thighs, knees, chin, cheek or neck. Ultimately liposuction aims to restore a more masculine or feminine profile. In selected cases, Dr Cotrufo recommends using the VASER liposuction to perform a high-definition or mid-definition body contouring of abdominal wall, arms or buttock areas.


  • Women use liposuction to shape the chin, their hips, thighs, knees, stomach and flanks as well as the under arm and breast area.
  • Men who seek liposuction commonly have liposuction to the chin, around the waist and to reduce enlarged breasts – known as gynecomastia.
  • Liposuction surgery represents the base for Fat Transfer and the Brazilian Butt Lift


There may be liposuction alternatives that are more suited to your problem areas. For example, if you want to change the appearance of your abdominal area, you may find a tummy tuck or a combination of mechanic-assisted liposuction and ultrasound-assisted lipoplasty (VASER) would help you achieve your goals more effectively. Arm Lift and thigh lift procedures can often be combined with liposuction if the excess of skin is too large to follow a substantial fat reduction. Certainly, diet should be the first approach when possible, according to body habit, time and lifestyle.


Establishing which procedure is likely to be best for your specific needs, feeling confident and comfortable with your surgery journey is a process that requires good communication between you and your surgeon. This starts at your consultation, here you’ll have the opportunity to explain your personal circumstances and pose questions.


  • Have the opportunity to explain your reasons for seeking liposuction.
  • Be given time to ask advice and pose questions to Dr Cotrufo
  • Undergo a health evaluation.
  • Have your fatty deposits and skin condition assessed
  • Discuss the body contouring options that are open to you, including costs and timescales.
  • Talk through potential risks as well as benefits.
  • Learn about the procedure and what will happen before, during and after your liposuction.

In the run-up to your fat removal surgery and in the days immediately prior, you may be asked to make lifestyle changes or to avoid particular medications and activities.

This may include:

  • Taking a blood test or other medical tests
  • Stopping smoking
  • Adjusting or taking certain medications
  • Avoiding aspirin, herbal supplements and anti-inflammatory drugs
  • Refraining from drinking alcohol
  • Avoiding overexposure to the sun
  • Committing not to make serious dietary changes

If you require a general anaesthetic for the procedure you will be instructed how to fast.


  • The time required for liposuction varies according to the extent of the procedure and number of surgeries being performed but it is usually under 2 hours.
  • The size of the area, amount of fat being removed, type of anaesthesia and liposuction technique being used will dictate how long the procedure will take.
  • Tiny incisions (1.5cm) are made into the skin and tubes used to remove the excess fatty tissue
  • In VASER lipectomy and laser-assisted liposuction the fatty tissue is broken down further before being taken on
  • Incisions are closed with self-dissolving suture or left open with a suctioning drain for 2-7 days.


When you wake up, you may find that you have a drip in your arm to maintain your hydration and it’s possible that a small drainage tube may be inserted under the skin to drain fluid away from the surgery area. Once you are able to drink and the fluid has reduced, these will be removed. You may need to stay in the clinic overnight.

After this:

  • You should ask a friend or relative to drive you home and assist with your liposuction recovery for the first 24-72 hours.
  • You will be required to wear a snug elastic garment or wrapped bandages
  • You should walk around as soon as possible
  • Sutures are usually self-dissolving so there is no need to struggle
  • Most swelling should subside within 3 weeks though some may remain for 6 months.
  • All types of vigorous exercise should be avoided for 1 month after surgery and you should also avoid hot and spicy foods
  • You will need to attend scheduled aftercare appointments with Dr Cotrufo, which are all included in the price of your surgery
  • It is essential to arrange lymphatic-drainage-massages to start immediately after surgery; our clinic can help you find the specialist closer to you.


Our expert plastic surgeon Dr Cotrufo is an expert in body contouring and has considerable experience in performing only successful liposuction procedures.

As a specialist in plastic and reconstructive surgery, he has worked in some of the best hospitals in the world and you will find only 5 star reviews about his liposuctions.

Dr Cotrufo performs combinations of VASER, Laser, Power-assisted liposuction to face, neck, arms, chest, back, abdominal wall and lower limbs. If you have any questions about liposuction and whether it is right for you or you would like to discuss the level of care you will receive throughout your surgery if you choose to attend our clinic, please call 0207 8732330 to book a personal consultation.

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